How To Cure Psoriasis At Home - Folk Remedies

It's sad, but it's a fact: no one is immune to psoriasis. At one point, the body gives a "failure" - and on the skin appear unpleasant cracks and spots. Especially if there is a genetic predisposition to the disease. The disease is not fatal, but it causes a lot of aesthetic concerns - all the time you have to think about how to dress to hide skin defects. What can we say about the complications in the personal life of patients with psoriasis!

Most often, the object of "attack" of chronic dermatitis, as it can also be called psoriasis, are folds of the knee and elbow, scalp and back.

Many methods have been developed and used in modern medicine to treat psoriasis, but none of them offer a complete cure for this insidious disease. In fact, all drugs today offer only a more or less long-term phase of remission of the disease. It is not uncommon to achieve long-term forgiveness, up to eternity. A very important role in these cases play folk remedies for the treatment of psoriasis.

Herbal tea for psoriasis

herb for psoriasis

Treatment of herbal psoriasis occupies an important place in therapeutic measures aimed at psoriatic rashes. Medicinal herbs for psoriasis help well and lead to many years of remission, and they are practically harmless, unlike pharmaceutical preparations.

Wild rosemary with dry grass (two tablespoons), centaury (two tablespoons), tricolor purple (one and a half tablespoons), medicinal smoke (one tablespoon) and wild hooves (three and a half tablespoons) cook in boiling water, insistfor an hour . Drink the resulting infusion in small portions throughout the day.

Please note: if there are problems with the cardiovascular system, the hooves should be "thrown out" of the prescription.

Sophora flowers against psoriasis

Pour about 75 grams of dried Sophora flowers with high quality vodka in an amount of about one and a half to two glasses. Inject for at least a month in a place protected from light. When ready, take the resulting medicine with a teaspoon - a little before meals three times a day.

You can prepare a variant of the non-alcoholic solution: create half a glass of dried flowers or mahogany fruit in the evening in a thermos and insist overnight.

Herbal infusion with corn stigmas against psoriasis

dried herbs for psoriasis

Oral intake of medicinal herbs allows you to cleanse the body from the inside, increase immunity. This type of herbal use involves the preparation of decoctions, tinctures and teas.

Swallowing this collection helps reduce the severity of psoriasis symptoms, peeling gradually disappears.

For infusion, dried herbs - string, elecampane root, lingonberry leaves, field horsetail - chop. Add from a tablespoon the black elder flowers and corn stigmas. Pour hot water, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Coat for about an hour, take half a glass, regardless of food. The course of treatment is not less than one month.

Lotion from yarrow against psoriasis

Prepare a strong decoction of yarrow: a glass of dry raw material for three glasses of boiling water. Leave for an hour and a half. Soak gauze swabs in the decoction and apply to the affected areas of the plates.

Popular ointment for psoriasis

  1. A packet of butter, half a glass of vinegar essence, a raw chicken egg, mix and grind, "forget" for a week in the refrigerator. Then lubricate the affected skin areas with psoriasis daily. Once the home-made ointment is absorbed, smear the plates with salicylic ointment.
  2. rubbing to treat psoriasis
  3. Celandine roots insist on alcohol for five to seven days: a glass of well-ground vegetable raw materials to a glass and a half of alcohol. Mix the resulting infusion with half a glass of fish oil or minced lard. Use ointment to treat psoriasis plaques.
  4. The bark of the oak (about 150 grams) is ground into a powder. Pour chamomile (two tablespoons of flowers) in butter (250 grams) dissolved in a water bath, boil in oil for five minutes on low heat. Then add oak powder and keep on the fire for another 15 minutes. Drain the hot mass. Store the ointment in the refrigerator.
  5. Mix three raw egg whites with the wood ash obtained by burning the oak bark and rose branches. Add a teaspoon of celandine. And - the main point of the recipe - a tablespoon of fat. Mix all ingredients well, insist in the room for two weeks. Apply the ointment three to four times a day on the skin affected by dermatitis.
  6. Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Add a glass of alcohol and leave for a week. Then pour the ash from the burnt oak bark into the infusion, add a tablespoon of fresh honey. Mix - and after three days the ointment is ready. Store in the refrigerator in a dark container.
  7. Take fats in equal amounts: lard, goose fat, olive oil (unrefined). Cut pork fat and goose fat, place in a saucepan, melt over low heat. Pour a tablespoon of dry camphor and add a sublime crumb the size of a barley grain. Add the olive oil, stir and heat slightly. Transfer the oil to a dark glass container, store in a cool place. Lubricate the plates once or twice a day.

Herbal baths based on celandine, chamomile, oak bark, range help alleviate the condition during psoriasis exacerbation. Vegetable raw materials for the preparation of therapeutic baths can be taken in arbitrary doses and combinations, being prepared in advance with boiling water and insisting.