Psoriasis on the face: effective treatments, ointments, masks and recommendations

Are you tired of fighting psoriasis on your face? You do not know what can provoke its appearance and how to accurately recognize this disease? Do you want to know traditional treatment recipes? Are you looking for information about modern hardware techniques to combat this disease? You will find this and other interesting information in our article!

What is facial psoriasis?

Progressive stage of psoriasis on the skin of the face

An autoimmune disease of a non-infectious nature, manifested in severe redness of the skin with the appearance of small scales (papules) on its surface, gradually increasing in size and merging with each other, is called psoriasis. In this case, the person experiences itching and discomfort accompanied by the disgust of others who do not understand that this disease is not transmitted through daily contact.

It is impossible to reliably identify the cause of this insidious disease even with the modern level of medical development. It is believed that the disease is provoked by a hereditary factor, interruptions in the immune or endocrine system, disorders of lipid metabolism, as well as constant stressful situations.

Most often, the localization of psoriasis on the face is the area around the eyes and temples, eyebrows, nasolabial folds, as well as border areas near the head.

There are 2 types of psoriasis - vulgaris (the most common) and seborrheic. Unlike vulgar seborrheic, it is considered a more complex form of the disease, as it is characterized by the appearance of particularly dense and large papules, as well as scales covered with a layer of sebum with a yellow tint. The common belief that seborrhea (increased sebum production) is the cause of the development of this form of psoriasis is wrong.

The course of the disease is accompanied by periods of remission (disappearance of symptoms), as well as relapses (symptoms that reappear after a certain period of time).

Characteristic signs of psoriasis

In order to recognize and correctly determine the presence of psoriasis, and not any other dermatological problem, you must know the following main symptoms of this disease.

  1. If you run your nail plate over the scaly plates that appear on the surface of the skin, you will notice an increase in the skin in this area. This mark is called a stearine stain because of its resemblance to a frozen drop of wax, which, when touched with the finger, forms many peeling plaques.
  2. When you completely clean the skin from the scales that have appeared, a thin film will appear on the surface of the epidermis, with a bright red color. This feature is called terminal film.
  3. After removing the terminal film from the surface of the skin by scraping it, small multiple bleeding in the form of small drops is observed. This bleeding is caused by the proximity of the capillaries to the epidermis, which are easily damaged during the course of the disease. This phenomenon is called blood dew.

Plaques and papules in psoriasis grow, rapidly increasing in size. Joining together, they form single conglomerates that disfigure the affected area of the face. Do not comb or remove crusts from the affected areas of the skin, so as not to provoke the appearance of scars.

Stages of psoriasis

There are 3 main stages of clinical manifestation of psoriasis on the skin of the face:

  1. Progressive. It is characterized by an increase in the size of existing plaques and their fusion into a single point with the active appearance of new papules, as well as a bright red rash with a smooth texture against the background of severe itching. When it itches, new rashes appear.
  2. stationary. Its peculiarity is the cessation of the growth of the papules with a noticeable decrease in peeling. The existing plaques take on a blue tint, and the itching becomes less pronounced.
  3. Regressive. This phase is associated with the masking of all the symptoms of the disease. All manifestations of psoriasis become almost invisible. Peeling and itching disappear completely, papules and plaques begin to resolve.

Skin care recommendations for psoriasis

The right thing to do in such a situation would be to immediately contact a specialist - a dermatologist, who will conduct a comprehensive examination of the body, identify the degree of skin damage, prescribe professional treatment and alsowill show you how to take care of it properly. skin affected by psoriasis. If for some reason you cannot go to the doctor now, then listen to the following tips and recommendations.

  • Use cosmetic products for cleansing and facial care designed for sensitive skin to prevent further damage and aggravation of the disease.
  • Avoid vigorous rubbing of the affected skin surface after washing. It is best to dry these areas using a paper towel, gently applying it to the problem areas.
  • It is worth temporarily stopping (before visiting a doctor) using any cosmetics, including decorative ones.
  • You should not use scrubs and peeling compounds, which can provoke inflammatory reactions and worsen the situation.
  • Men who use razors should replace them with an electric razor, which is less damaging to the surface of the epidermis.

Possible treatment options for the disease

We present the treatment method for information and general information only. Do not self-medicate! Be sure to contact a specialist to get the individual and comprehensive therapy that is right for you!

After examining and evaluating the nature of the disease, a dermatologist will choose the best treatment option for you, which may include:

  • Medicines for internal use (tablets, injections).
  • Ointments, emulsions and suitable compositions of cosmetic vegetable oils for external use.
  • All types of physiotherapeutic procedures using special equipment and instruments.
  • Properly selected diet, as well as lifestyle recommendations.
  • Products for home use (lotions, ointments).

Medicines used for internal treatment

As a rule, such a disease involves taking the following medications: cytostatics, immunosuppressants, glucocorticosteroids, biologically active drugs.

Systemic therapy can be prescribed in the form of taking pills or making injections of drugs that act purposefully and comprehensively and also relieve the feeling of itching.

As preparations for external use, naphthalene and salicylic ointments, as well as mixtures containing corticosteroids, are most often prescribed.

Moisturizing compounds and vitamins are used for general toning and strengthening of local skin immunity.

Physiotherapy treatments

Excimer laser for the treatment of psoriasis on the face
  1. Ultraviolet lamps, the action of which is based on the effect of UV rays, which consists in slowing down the growth of pathological cells of the epidermis and the overall improvement of the skin. The method has been found to be quite effective.
  2. Phototherapy, performed under the supervision of a specialist, is based on exposure to certain frequencies of UV radiation. This method has many positive reviews.
  3. The excimer laser, used in specialized clinics, is considered the most modern and effective device that helps in the active fight against psoriasis.

Dietary indications

It is recommended to eat a large amount of vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, fish, lean meat, dairy products and cereals.

The ban included fatty, hot, spicy, smoked, fried foods and dishes, as well as sweets, baked goods, nuts and whole milk.

During the treatment period, smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited.

Ointments and creams used

For the treatment of psoriasis on the face, non-hormonal ointments and creams are mainly used, as they are considered the safest. As an example, we can cite the most common and most often prescribed ointments based on fat, essential oils and plant extracts, the use of which must fully comply with the instructions. They give temporary results and after long-term use have an addictive effect.

Popular recipe

By making an effort to find and select the necessary ingredients for the preparation of homemade ointments, you can get an effective treatment for psoriasis, which will have a therapeutic effect after 4 weeks of regular use.

Apply these ingredients exclusively to clean and dry skin in a small amount and in a thin layer.

Prescription number Ingredients in the composition, quantity Production notes
  • oak bark ash - 26 grams;
  • rose ash - 25 grams;
  • fat - 100 grams;
  • Celandine - 10 grams;
  • Raw chicken egg white - 1 pc
After mixing all the components of the composition, it is kept in a dark and cool place for 15 days.
  • Kalanchoe juice (freshly squeezed) - 10 ml;
  • eucalyptus oil - 28 ml;
  • liquid honey - 8 ml
All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed and put in a cool and dark place for 3 days.
  • birch tar - 50 grams;
  • rose ash - 20 grams;
  • castor oil - 18 ml;
  • liquid honey - 10 ml
The components are thoroughly mixed and kept in a dark place for 3 days.

The treatment of psoriasis with Dead Sea salt has a good effect, thanks to the special composition of its minerals, which easily penetrate the epidermis, providing a healing, anti-inflammatory and astringent (drying) effect. It is recommended to add this salt to the thermal water and spray the problematic areas of the epidermis with this composition several times a day.

Natural essential oils of coconut, borage, juniper, primrose, lavender, jojoba, tamanu, buckthorn have shown excellent results when used regularly.

Compositions for internal use

Immunity-boosting chicory decoction for psoriasis
  1. A tincture of Chinese lemon fruits, consumed 20-30 drops before meals 3 times a day, will help the body actively fight against adverse environmental factors.
  2. It is recommended to drink a decoction of common chicory ¼ cup 4 times a day. It improves immunity and has a calming effect.
  3. Applications made from Kalanchoe pulp (the leaves are ground to form a paste) perfectly clean the skin from plaques and papules. Using a patch, the mixture is applied to the affected areas of the skin and left for 4 hours.
  4. Celandine juice (fresh plant) is mixed with calendula infusion in a ratio of 1: 1. Once a day, apply this mixture to problem areas.

Use folk remedies, but don't forget to consult your doctor!