Psoriasis is a chronic dermatological skin disease. Psoriasis is expressed in the form of red papules (swollen spots). In recent years, the disease has become increasingly common in people between the ages of 20 and 30. Unfortunately, the modern level of medicine can not prevent the spread of the disease. Why does psoriasis appear, what should be the effective treatment? Let’s understand it in more detail.
Causes of the disease
There are many different types of assumptions in the world about what causes psoriasis. However, this issue has not been fully studied in medicine. There are various theories, but where psoriasis comes from is still unclear.
There are two main types of psoriasis: due to an inherited factor (there is a shift in the immune system) and the so-called "late onset type" - after 40 years (affected areas - nails and joints).
Why does psoriasis appear?
At the modern level of medicine, psoriasis is considered a failure in the integral system of the body, and not as a separate disease. In addition to the typical skin rashes, patients suffer from dysfunction of the endocrine, nervous and immune systems.
There is no single answer to the question of what causes psoriasis. There are some typical theories of psoriasis. Let us dwell on each of them in more detail.
Immune theory
The theory of immunity is recognized by many physicians worldwide. According to this theory, psoriasis occurs due to dysfunction of the body's immune system. What causes psoriasis in the body? Typical papules (bright red spots) appear as a result of autoimmune aggression. The immune system perceives skin cells as foreign, so it gradually rejects them. Instead, characteristic papules appear.

Long ago, doctors proved that psoriasis can develop against the background of persistent infectious diseases: sinusitis, tonsillitis. This theory has a right to exist, since the dysfunction of the immune system and provokes psoriasis. When studying the scales of papules, the scientists found that they contain antigenic complexes that are not characteristic of healthy cells. There are antibodies to these complexes in the blood, so rejection occurs - papules form.
Low immunity is a fertile ground for the development of psoriasis.
At the genetic level
Unfortunately, psoriasis can be inherited. However, it should be borne in mind that it is not the disease that is transmitted at the gene level, but the predisposition to it. This fact is confirmed by direct statistics: 60% of psoriasis patients have blood relatives who have the same diagnosis.

If one of the parents is ill with this disease, then the probability of psoriasis in a child is 25%. If both parents suffer from psoriasis, the risk increases to 75%.
Scientists have proven that the disease is directly related to the region of chromosomes, which determines the level of inflammatory response in the skin. However, genetic predisposition cannot be considered as the main cause of psoriasis.
Some peoples are resistant to psoriasis. Among them are Indians living in the Andes, Eskimos. These peoples have genetic characteristics, thanks to which their representatives never get psoriasis.
Endocrine theory
What causes psoriasis in adults? According to endocrine theory, psoriasis can result from hormonal dysfunction. This theory was put forward by doctors after carefully analyzing the course of the disease itself. Excessive production of skin cells is believed to be the result of a disturbance in the regulatory function of the body. Therefore, due to dysfunction of the endocrine system.

During hormonal increases in women (ovulation and menstruation) and during pregnancy, psoriasis is activated. However, to date, scientists have not identified a hormone that affects the appearance of psoriasis as such. Forst for this reason that endocrine theory can not be said to be fundamental.
Neurogenic theory
Neurogenic theory is considered one of the newest. According to her, psoriasis arises "from the nerves", respectively, psychological factors are to blame. Psoriasis provokes neurosis. As a result of neurosis, blood vessels narrow, the blood supply to the skin weakens, and papules form.
Therefore, it is not for nothing that all the people around, when asked what causes psoriasis, immediately answer that it is from the nerves.

According to a number of studies, it becomes clear that stress, deep inner experiences, nervous shocks are stimuli for the appearance of skin rashes.
Viral theory
There is also a viral theory. Within its framework, doctors argue that psoriasis can appear as a result of infection. Indeed, during infectious diseases, papules appear more often and lymph nodes grow. However, some doctors attribute such changes to a weakening of the immune system in general.
Throughout the history of the disease, no specific pathogen has been identified that would provoke the onset and development of psoriasis.

Psoriasis is a disease that is not transmitted by contact. No single case of infection with this disease was recorded even after a blood transfusion from an infected person to a patient.
Disorders of metabolic processes
During psoriasis, many patients have a low temperature, high cholesterol levels, impaired metabolism of vitamins, carbohydrates and trace elements. All this shows signs of metabolic disorders in the body.
As a result of repeated studies of patients with psoriasis, doctors have concluded that one of the reasons for the appearance of the disease lies in the violation of metabolic processes.
Factors that cause the appearance of psoriasis
To understand exactly what causes psoriasis, it is necessary to describe a range of factors that can provoke its occurrence. Among the most powerful factors are the following:
- stress, negative emotions, mental trauma, emotional and physical fatigue are fertile ground for recurrence of psoriasis;
- infectious diseases, vaccination;
- changes in the body at the hormonal level (during puberty, during pregnancy, lactation);
- physical injury: scratching, burning, biting, freezing;
- taking certain medications: antibiotics, vitamin complexes, immunostimulants;
- with improper food (an abundance of sweet, fatty, fried and also alcohol in the diet);
- when the climate changes (unfavorable conditions - humid climate, sudden temperature changes);
- in the presence of other dermatological diseases: dermatitis, fungus.
The cause of psoriasis can be hidden in one of the factors. Therefore, a patient suffering from this disease should minimize the occurrence of the above external factors affecting relapse.
The main symptoms
Psoriasis can occur at any age, including children. Moreover, the earlier the disease appears, the more accurately it will eventually pass to an advanced stage.
How psoriasis appears, the photos below show: the formation of a rash, cracks, papules on the surface of the skin (red spots with white scales).
The first signs that indicate psoriasis are:
- cracks and pustular rash on the skin;
- the nail plate is layered;
- blisters appear on the palms and soles;
- the skin is strongly layered;
- itching in the papule area.
As the disease progresses, the number of papules increases to 10 cm. The skin in the damaged areas is sensitive, but the hairline remains.
There are different forms of psoriasis:
- simple - spreads to the skin of the feet (on the extending surface of the knees), the papules are covered with white scales;
- seborrheic psoriasis usually occurs in people who additionally suffer from seborrhea; this disease is characterized by the appearance of yellow papules, which stick together with sebum, they do not lend themselves to the inflammatory process and are localized mainly on the scalp, behind the ears and on the face;
- arthropathic psoriasis - papules appear at the site of the joints, feet and hands, therefore, the disease interferes with their normal movement;
- inverse - papules are located in the natural folds of the body, often this form of the disease is associated with problems in the endocrine system of the body;
- tear psoriasis can appear on the head, from which psoriasis of this form appears - not known for sure;
- psoriasis of the nails - the disease appears exclusively on the nail plates - they thicken and deform, the nails affected by the disease look like a bird's beak;
- psoriatic erythroderma is an extremely severe form of the appearance of psoriasis, which is characterized by plaque fusion; if the patient's issue is neglected, then the plaques may cover the entire body. As accompanying manifestations: swelling, skin, redness, severe itching and extremely good.

What causes psoriasis on the hands? The reasons are purely individual.

There are various factors and theories that have not been fully substantiated. However, many doctors agree that the causes of psoriasis can be hidden in disorders of the immune, nervous and endocrine systems.
Stages of psoriasis
There are three stages of psoriasis:
- Progressive stage - characterized by reddish-brown rash with a possible increase in quantity. If you do not get treatment in time, the disease will progress.
- Stationary phase - new papules do not appear, and those on the skin have stopped growing.
- Regressive phase - the papules fade noticeably, the size decreases and the cortex becomes smaller or they stop altogether.
To correctly diagnose and determine the stage of psoriasis, a professional consultation of a dermatologist is required. With the help of visual examination, laboratory studies and microscopy, he will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and determine the existing stage.
Psoriasis appeared: what to do?
Psoriasis is a complex disease, its treatment takes a long time. Recurrences often occur even after prolonged remission of illness. The main purpose of treatment is to eliminate skin rashes. This is why it is necessary to prescribe treatment on an individual basis, relying on disease development, accompanying symptoms, and relapses.
External and internal remedies are distinguished between the main methods of treatment.
External treatments for psoriasis:
- ointment on solid bases, lanolin and fatty;
- pine tar;
- naphthalene;
- mustard oil;
- hormonal ointments (usually the doctor prescribes in the progressive stage of the disease).
Internal remedies:
- vitamin complex;
- sedatives;
- sedative, neuroleptic;
- hypnotist;
- antidepressants;
- antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs;
- metabolic stimulants;
- immunopharmaceutical agent.
In addition to drug treatment, the patient should eliminate from the diet sweet, fried, spicy, smoked foods. Do not eat ice cream, coffee, carbonated beverages, mushrooms or pickled foods.
Psoriasis is a chronic disease that is not transmitted by contact. The causes and factors of the appearance of psoriasis are impressive in their variety, so almost any person can be at risk. This is why it is necessary to be attentive to your health and strengthen your immune system. Avoid stressful situations and nervous tension! Think first and imagine how stress can come out for you in the future. Be healthy!